Search results

  1. Chris

    Worth of AWP Asiimov

    I have an AWP Asiimov, really good condition FT. It has a Titan Katowice sticker on the body, which is worth in excess of $1000 un-applied. Does anyone have any clue what it's worth on the gun? Had an offer of $800 but honestly not sure if that's for real? Last I knew the sticker was $600 so...
  2. Chris

    GGRadio Official Habbo Room & Group

    We're reaching out in to the habbo community a bit more, if you play - come and join our group and perhaps chill in our lounge? ?
  3. Chris

    Pokemon Favourite Pokemon Game?

    What's your favourite Pokemon game? Mine is my first; Fire Red and followed by diamond or ruby which I didn't enjoy so much but still played a lot of.
  4. Chris

    Pokemon Instinct vs Mystic vs Valor

    What's the best team in Pokemon:GO obviously valor
  5. Chris

    Pokemon Screenshot Your Best Pokemon on GO

    Screenshot the best Pokemon you have, when your Pokemon get a lot better - come back and share again! I'll start, this is yesterday and I haven't done anything yet.
  6. Chris

    Grand Theft Auto 3 monitors on GTA 5.

    R9 390X & 3 monitors is totally worth it. :eek:
  7. Chris

    Simuators Add GGRadio to American Truck Simulator.

    We've whipped together a tutorial on how to add your favourite eSports Gaming Radio to your favourite truck simulator, head over to our wiki or follow the link below for more information on how to do it. If you don't want to do that, you can suggest to SCSSoft that they should add GGRadio as a...
  8. Chris

    Simuators Add GGRadio to Euro Truck Simulator 2

    We've whipped together a tutorial on how to add your favourite eSports Gaming Radio to your favourite truck simulator, head over to our wiki or follow the link below for more information on how to do it. If you don't want to do that, you can suggest to SCSSoft that they should add GGRadio as a...
  9. Chris

    Grand Theft Auto GTA V needs Anti-Cheat.

    Playing on GTA Online, when suddenly I get thrown out of my car: Games have bugs, but then.. You can install hacks on this game, go on to a lobby of 20+ people and crash all their games. Seriously?
  10. Chris

    Grand Theft Auto 2 Faggios Conquer Mt. Chiliad

    Impressive? I think so. A total of 50 minutes was spent climbing Mt. Chiliad on 2 Faggios. @Roma
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